Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Designs

 Image above: Article spread from my Layout and Design class.

Image above: Design i made in my spare time.

Image above: Another design that i made in my spare time.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Starter Pages assignment

For this assignment I had to create three pages using prebuilt layouts from Dreamweaver. Each layout must be different than the other and they all have to link to each other.  So, the above image is the first page and as you can see it links to page number two and three. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Site Map

Chili Pepper assignment

The above image is for my Web Based Software class assignment. I downloaded the photo from istockphoto and cropped it in Photoshop then placed it in Dreamweaver. The content is a random article from Wikipedia. I typed the article on Microsoft word, then pasted it in DW.

Personal Home page from DW